Friday, October 27, 2017


by: Syrha Shane A. Sto. Domingo

As one of the millennials, Media and Information Literacy subject is very significant to my life. Why? If there is no subject like that how are we going to be a media and information literate person? Because of this subject I learned how to use internet in appropriately. I know how to look good online. Before without this kind of subject I’m always posting not appropriate status on the internet. But when my teacher teaches us about this, about how to be a literate individual, I started to behave online because I want to be a media and information literate person. This is my favorite subject and I’m always participating in our class because I’d like to share what is my idea and what I have learned during my teacher’s discussion. And now, as one of the teenagers or can we say, “The Millennials” if you’re reading this right now you should start to be a media and information literate person also you must study this subject because it is for your own good. To have a knowledge in proper netiquette. 

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